John | 曲

Reflection in Transition


John Qu / 2020-05-29

What is the key to object-oriented programming?

Think about objects as collections of both data and the meth- ods that operate on that data.

8.1 Abstract Data Types and Classes

Why bound a set of objects and the operations on those objects together with an abstract data type?

One can pass an object from one part of a program to another, and in doing so provide access not only to the data attributes of the object but also to operations that make it easy to manipulate that data.

What does a specification of a class’s operations do?

The specifications of those operations define an interface between the abstract data type and the rest of the program. The interface defines the behavior of the operations—what they do, but not how they do it. The interface thus provides an abstraction barrier that isolates the rest of the program from the data structures, algorithms, and code involved in providing a realization of the type abstraction.

What mechanisms are available for accomplishing the goal of managing complexity in a way that facilitates change?

Decomposition creates structure in a program, and abstraction suppresses detail.

Why someone has a great leg up in maintaining a software for years?

The key is to suppress the appropriate details. This is where data abstraction hits the mark.

One can create domain-specific types that provide a convenient abstraction. Ideally, these types capture concepts that will be relevant over the lifetime of a program. If one starts the programming process by devising types that will be relevant months and even decades later, one has a great leg up in maintaining that software.

What are the comments below the docstring of class and function?

In contrast, the comments below the docstring contain information about the implementation. That information is aimed at programmers who might want to modify the implementation or build subclasses of the class, not at programmers who might want to use the abstraction.

What is the code of implementation an “intset”?

class IntSet(object):
    """An intSet is a set of integers"""
    #Information about the implementation (not the abstraction)
    #Value of the set is represented by a list of ints, self.vals.
    #Each int in the set occurs in self.vals exactly once.
    def __init__(self):
        """Create an empty set of integers""" 
        self.vals = []

    def insert(self, e):
        """Assumes e is an integer and inserts e into self"""
        if e not in self.vals:

    def member(self, e):
        """Assumes e is an integer
           Returns True if e is in self, and False otherwise"""
        return e in self.vals

    def remove(self, e):
        """Assumes e is an integer and removes e from self
           Raises ValueError if e is not in self"""
            raise ValueError(str(e) + ' not found')

    def getMembers(self):
        """Returns a list containing the elements of self.
           Nothing can be assumed about the order of the elements"""
        return self.vals[:]

    def __str__(self):
        """Returns a string representation of self"""
        result = ''
        for e in self.vals:
            result = result + str(e) + ','
        return '{' + result[:-1] + '}' #-1 omits trailing comma

What is a function inside a class called?

a method that associated with the class

method attributes of the class

What is the relationship of type, class, method and function?

A class should not be confused with instances of that class, just as an object of type list should not be confused with the list type.

s = IntSet() 
print("Whether '3' exists in 's':", s.member(3))
## Whether '3' exists in 's': True
print ("Type of 'IntSet' is " + str(type (IntSet)) + ".\n" + 
       "Type of 'IntSet.insert' is " + str(type (IntSet.insert)) + ".")
## Type of 'IntSet' is <class 'type'>.
## Type of 'IntSet.insert' is <class 'function'>.
print ("Type of 's' is " + str(type (s)) + ".\n" + 
       "Type of 's.insert' is " + str(type(s.insert)) + ".")
## Type of 's' is <class '__main__.IntSet'>.
## Type of 's.insert' is <class 'method'>.

What are method attributes and data attributes?

Method attributes are defined in a class definition, for example IntSet.member is an attribute of the class IntSet. When the class is instantiated, e.g., by the statement s = IntSet(), instance attributes, e.g., s.member, are created.

When data attributes are associated with a class we call them class variables. When they are associated with an instance we call them instance variables.

What is representation-independence?

Data abstraction achieves representation-independence. Think of the im- plementation of an abstract type as having several components:

  • Implementations of the methods of the type,
  • Data structures that together encode values of the type, and
  • Conventions1 about how the implementations of the methods are to use the data structures. A key convention is captured by the representation2 invariant3.

What is representation invariant?

The representation invariant defines which values of the data attributes correspond to valid representations of class instances. The representation invariant for IntSet is that vals contains no duplicates. The implementation of __init__ is responsible for establishing the invariant (which holds on the empty list), and the other methods are responsible for maintaining that invariant. That is why insert appends e only if it is not already in self.vals. The implementation of remove exploits the assumption that the representation invariant is satisfied when remove is entered. It calls list.remove only once, since the representation invariant guarantees that there is at most one occurrence of e in self.vals.

Is a user-defined class instance hashable?

Any instance of a user-defined class is hashable

All instances of user-defined classes are hashable, and therefore can be used as dictionary keys. If no __hash__ method is provided, the hash value of the object is derived from the function id.

Why abstract data types are a big deal4?

They lead to a different way of thinking about organizing large programs.

Rely on abstraction when trying to understand concepts about the world

When we think about the world, we rely on abstractions. In the world of finance people talk about stocks and bonds. In the world of biology people talk about proteins and residues. When trying to understand concepts such as these, we mentally gather together some of the relevant data and features of these kinds of objects into one intellectual package. For example, we think of bonds as having an interest rate and a maturity date as data attributes. We also think of bonds as having operations such as “set price” and “calculate yield to maturity.” Abstract data types allow us to incorporate this kind of organization into the design of programs.

Focus on the centrality of data object rather than functions when designing programs

Data abstraction encourages program designers to focus on the centrality of data objects rather than functions. Thinking about a program more as a collection of types than as a collection of functions leads to a profoundly different organizing principle. Among other things, it encourages one to think about programming as a process of combining relatively large chunks, since data abstractions typically encompass5 more functionality than do individual functions. This, in turn, leads us to think of the essence of programming as a process not of writing individual lines of code, but of composing6 abstractions.

Reuse abstractions to reduce development time and to yield more reliable programs

The availability of reusable abstractions not only reduces development time, but also usually leads to more reliable programs, because mature software is usually more reliable than new software. For many years, the only program libraries in common use were statistical or scientific. Today, however, there is a great range of available program libraries (especially for Python), often based on a rich set of data abstractions.

What abstraction might be useful, before rushing in to design a bunch of data structures to keep track of all the students and faculty, ?

Is there an abstraction that covers the common attributes of students, professors, and staff? Some would argue that they are all human. The following code contains a class that incorporates some of the common attributes (name and birthday) of humans.

import datetime

class Person(object):
    def __init__(self, name):
        """Create a person""" = name
            lastBlank = name.rindex(' ')
            self.lastName = name[lastBlank+1:]
            self.lastName = name
        self.birthday = None

    def getName(self):
        """Returns self's full name"""

    def getLastName(self):
        """Returns self's last name"""
        return self.lastName

    def setBirthday(self, birthdate):
        """ Assumes birthdate is of type
            Sets self's birthday to birthdate"""
        self.birthday = birthdate

    def getAge(self):
        """Returns self's current age in days"""
        if self.birthday == None:
            raise ValueError
        return ( - self.birthday).days

    def __lt__(self, other):
        """Returns True if self precedes other in alphabetical
            order, and False otherwise. Comparison is based on last
            names, but if these are the same full names are
        if self.lastName == other.lastName:
            return <
        return self.lastName < other.lastName

    def __str__(self):
        """Returns self's name"""

What should we write into the specification of the __init__ function of a class?

The following code makes use of Person.

me = Person('Michael Guttag')
him = Person('Barack Hussein Obama')
her = Person('Madonna')
## Obama
him.setBirthday(, 8, 4)) 
her.setBirthday(, 8, 16)) 
print(him.getName(), 'is', him.getAge(), 'days old')
## Barack Hussein Obama is 21511 days old

Notice that whenever Person is instantiated7 an argument is supplied to the __init__ function. In general, when instantiating a class we need to look at the specification of the __init__ function for that class to know what arguments to supply and what properties those arguments should have.

When do we need to overload the < operator?

  1. Provide the syntactic convenience of writing infix expressions that use <;
  2. Provides automatic access to any polymorphic method defined using __lt__, such as the build-in method sort.

8.2 Inheritance

Why and how to define a class variable?

class MITPerson(Person):

    nextIdNum = 0 #identification number

    def __init__(self, name):
        Person.__init__(self, name)
        self.idNum = MITPerson.nextIdNum
        MITPerson.nextIdNum += 1

    def getIdNum(self):
        return self.idNum

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.idNum < other.idNum

    def isStudent(self):
        return isinstance(self, Student)

The instance variable self.idNum is initialized using a class variable, nextIdNum, that belongs to the class MITPerson, rather than to instances of the class. When an instance of MITPerson is created, a new instance of nextIdNum is not created, but only accumulate one. This allows __init__ to ensure that each instance of MITPerson has a unique idNum.

Why would one ever want to create a class with no new attributes?

class Student(MITPerson):

class UG(Student):
    def __init__(self, name, classYear):
        MITPerson.__init__(self, name)
        self.year = classYear

    def getClass(self):
        return self.year

class Grad(Student):


By introducing the class Grad, we gain the ability to create two different kinds of students and use their types to distinguish one kind of object from another. For example, the code

p5 = Grad('Buzz Aldrin')
p6 = UG('Billy Beaver', 1984)
print(p5, 'is a graduate student is', type(p5) == Grad) 
## Buzz Aldrin is a graduate student is True
print(p5, 'is an undergraduate student is', type(p5) == UG)
## Buzz Aldrin is an undergraduate student is False

The utility of the intermediate type Student is a bit subtler. Consider going back to class MITPerson and adding the method

class MITPerson(Person):
    # ...
    def isStudent(self):
        return isinstance(self, Student)

The function isinstance is built into Python. The first argument of isin- stance can be any object, but the second argument must be an object of type type. The function returns True if and only if the first argument is an instance of the second argument. For example, the value of isinstance([1,2], list) is True.

Notice that the meaning of isinstance(p6, Student) is quite different from the meaning of type(p6) == Student. The object to which p6 is bound is of type UG, not Student, but since UG is a subclass of Student, the object to which p6 is bound is considered to be an instance of class Student (as well as an instance of MITPerson and Person).

Since there are only two kinds of students, we could have implemented isStudent as,

class MITPerson(Person):
    # ...
    def isStudent(self):
        return type(self) == Grad or type(self) == UG

However, if a new type of student were introduced at some later point it would be necessary to go back and edit the code implementing isStudent. By in- troducing the intermediate class Student and using isinstance we avoid this prob- lem. For example, if we were to add

class TransferStudent(Student):

    def __init__(self, name, fromSchool):
        MITPerson.__init__(self, name)
        self.fromSchool = fromSchool

    def getOldSchool(self):
        return self.fromSchool

no change needs to be made to isStudent. It is not unusual during the creation and later maintenance of a program to go back and add new classes or new attributes to old classes. Good programmers design their programs so as to minimize the amount of code that might need to be changed when that is done.

What should we take care of when we write subclass overriding methods from the superclass?

In particular, important behaviors of the supertype must be supported by each of its subtypes. If client code works correctly using an instance of the supertype, it should also work correctly when an instance of the subtype is substituted for the instance of the supertype.

8.3 Encapsulation and Information Hiding

How to keep track of the grades of a collection of students?

Instances of class Grades are implemented using a list and a dictionary. The list keeps track of the students in the class. The dictionary maps a student’s identification number to a list of grades.

class Grades(object):

    def __init__(self):
        """Create empty grade book"""
        self.students = []
        self.grades = {}
        self.isSorted = True

    def addStudent(self, student):
        """Assumes: student is of type Student
            Add student to the grade book"""
        if student in self.students:
            raise ValueError('Duplicate student')
        self.grades[student.getIdNum()] = []
        self.isSorted = False

    def addGrade(self, student, grade):
        """Assumes: grade is a float
            Add grade to the list of grades for student"""
            raise ValueError('Student not in mapping')

    def getGrades(self, student):
        """Return a list of grades for student"""
        try: #return copy of list of student's grades
            return self.grades[student.getIdNum()][:]
            raise ValueError('Student not in mapping')

    def getStudents(self):
        """Return a sorted list of the students in the grade book"""
        if not self.isSorted:
            self.isSorted = True
        return self.students[:] #return copy of list of students

What is the possible problems if getStudents returned self.students rather than a copy of the list of students?

Consider the code

allStudents = course1.getStudents() 

If getStudents returned self.students, the second line of code would have the (probably unexpected) side effect of changing the set of students in course1.

How to avoid sorting an already sorted list?

The instance variable isSorted is used to keep track of whether or not the list of students has been sorted since the last time a student was added to it. As in

class Grades(object):

    def __init__(self):
        """Create empty grade book"""
        # ...
        self.isSorted = True
    def addStudent(self, student):
        """Assumes: student is of type Student
            Add student to the grade book"""
        # ...
        self.isSorted = False

    def getStudents(self):
        """Return a sorted list of the students in the grade book"""
        if not self.isSorted:
            self.isSorted = True
        return self.students[:] #return copy of list of students

How to generate a grade report for some students taking a course named sixHundred?

def gradeReport(course):
    """Assumes course is of type Grades"""
    report = ''
    for s in course.getStudents():
        tot = 0.0
        numGrades = 0
        for g in course.getGrades(s):
            tot += g
            numGrades += 1
            average = tot/numGrades
            report = report + '\n'\
                     + str(s) + '\'s mean grade is ' + str(average)
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            report = report + '\n'\
                     + str(s) + ' has no grades'
    return report

ug1 = UG('Jane Doe', 2014)
ug2 = UG('John Doe', 2015)
ug3 = UG('David Henry', 2003)
g1 = Grad('Billy Buckner')
g2 = Grad('Bucky F. Dent')
sixHundred = Grades()
for s in sixHundred.getStudents():
    sixHundred.addGrade(s, 75)
sixHundred.addGrade(g1, 25)
sixHundred.addGrade(g2, 100)
## Jane Doe's mean grade is 75.0
## John Doe's mean grade is 75.0
## David Henry has no grades
## Billy Buckner's mean grade is 50.0
## Bucky F. Dent's mean grade is 87.5

What does “encapsulation” mean in taking it as one of the two concepts at the heart of object-oriented programming?

By this we mean the bundling together of data attributes and the methods for operating on them.

What is the role of “information hiding” in object-oriented programming?

This is one of the keys to modularity. If those parts of the program that use a class (i.e., the clients of the class) rely only on the specifications of the methods in the class, a programmer implementing the class is free to change the implementation of the class (e.g., to improve efficiency) without worrying that the change will break code that uses the class.

Dose Python provide mechanisms for enforcing information hiding?

Some programming languages (Java and C++, for example) provide mechanisms for enforcing information hiding. Programmers can make the attributes of a class private, so that clients of the class can access the data only through the object’s methods. Python 3 uses a naming convention to make attributes invisible outside the class. When the name of an attribute starts with __ but does not end with __, that attribute is not visible outside the class. Consider the class in the following code.

class infoHiding(object):
    """ Test Python's '__' mechanism for information hiding from the outside of class definition. """
    def __init__(self):
        self.visible = 'Look at me'
        self.__alsoVisible__ = 'Look at me too'
        self.__invisible = 'Don\'t look at me directly'

    def printVisible(self):

    def printInvisible(self):

    def __printInvisible(self):

    def __printInvisible__(self):
test = infoHiding()
## Look at me
## Look at me too
test = infoHiding()
## Don't look at me directly
## Don't look at me directly
class subClass(infoHiding):

    def __init__(self):
        print('from subclass', self.__invisible)

    testSub = subClass()

Notice that when a subclass attempts to use a hidden attribute of its superclass an AttributeError occurs. This can make using information hiding in Python a bit cumbersome. Because it can be cumbersome, many Python programmers do not take advantage of the __ mechanism for hiding attributes—as we don’t in this book. So, for example, a client of Person can write the expression Rafael.lastName rather than Rafael.getLastName().

This is unfortunate because it allows the client code to rely upon something that is not part of the specification of Person, and is therefore subject to change. If the implementation of Person were changed, for example to extract the last name whenever it is requested rather than store it in an instance variable, then the client code would no longer work.

Is there a better solution in the loss of efficiency when preventing client programs from directly accessing critical data structures?

Any function definition containing a yield statement is treated in a special way. The presence of yield tells the Python system that the function is a generator.

class Grades(object):
    def __init__(self):
        """Create empty grade book"""
        # ...
        self.isSorted = True

    def addStudent(self, student):
        """Assumes: student is of type Student
            Add student to the grade book"""
        # ...
        self.isSorted = False

    # def getStudents(self): # with out yield
        # """Return a sorted list of the students in the grade book"""
        # if not self.isSorted:
            # self.students.sort()
            # self.isSorted = True
        # return self.students[:] #return copy of list of students

    def getStudents(self): # with yield
        """Return the students in the grade book one at a time
in alphabetical order"""
        if not self.isSorted:
            self.isSorted = True
        for s in self.students:
            yield s # return one element once a time

Generators are typically used in conjunction with for statements, as in

book = Grades()
for s in book.getStudents():
## Julie
## Charlie

8.4 Mortgages, an Extended Example

What kinds of loans are there in the mortgage at the end of twentieth century?

Towards the end of the twentieth century, mortgages10 started getting a lot more complicated.

  1. People could get lower interest rates by paying “points” to the lender at the time they took on the mortgage. A point is a cash payment of about 1% of the value of the loan.
  2. People could take mortgages that were “interest-only” for a period of time. That is to say, for some number of months at the start of the loan the borrower paid only the accrued interest and none of the principal.
  3. Other loans involved multiple rates. Typically the initial rate (called a “teaser rate”) was low, and then it went up over time. Many of these loans were variable-rate—the rate to be paid after the initial period would vary depending upon some index11 intended to reflect the cost to the lender of borrowing on the wholesale credit market.

What is the goal of exercising the implementation of three kinds of loans?

The point of this exercise is to provide some experience in the incremental development of a set of related classes, not to make you an expert on mortgages.

Let’s build a program that examines the costs of three kinds of loans:

  1. A fixed-rate mortgage with no points,
  2. A fixed-rate mortgage with points, and
  3. A mortgage with an initial teaser rate followed by a higher rate for the duration.

What is abstract class? What does it used for?

We will structure our code to include a Mortgage class, and subclasses corresponding to each of the three kinds of mortgages listed above. Figure 8.9 contains the abstract class Mortgage. This class contains methods that are shared by each of its subclasses, but it is not intended to be instantiated directly. That is, no objects of type Mortgage will be created.

def findPayment (loan, r, m):
    """ Assumes: 'loan' and 'r' are floats, 'm' an int
        Returns the monthly payment for a mortgage of size
        'loan' at a monthly rate of 'r' for 'm' months """
    return loan * ((r * (1 + r) ** m) / ((1 + r) ** m - 1))

class Mortgage (object):
    """ Abstract class for building different kinds of mortgages """

    def __init__(self, loan, annRate, months):
        """ Assumes: loan and annRate are floats, months an int 
            Creates a new mortgage of size loan, duration months, and annual rate annRate """
        # Here are three instance initial values = loan
        self.rate = annRate / 12 # Is it an common agreement that annual rate is 12 times of monthly rate?
        self.months = months
        # Here are two lists extended monthly
        self.paid = [0.0] # At the first day of loan you don't need to pay loan. Note this list is extended monthly
        self.outstanding = [loan] # the m th month 本金额 remained to be paid
        # Here is the monthly payment for a mortgage of size 'loan' at monthly rate of 'self.rate' for 'months' months
        self.payment = findPayment (loan, self.rate, months) 
        self.legend = None  # description of certain kind of mortgage

    def makePayment (self):
        """ Make a monthly payment"""
        # Calculate monthly payments then append them to two lists:
        # monthly payments and monthly outstanding loan balance
        self.paid.append (self.payment) 
        # reduction used to reduce the loan balance = monthly payment - the amount of interest due on the outstanding loan balance
        reduction = self.payment - self.outstanding [-1] * self.rate 
        self.outstanding.append (self.outstanding [-1] - reduction) 

    def getTotalPaid (self):
        """ Return the total amount paid so far """
        return sum (self.paid)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.legend

What is a safe attitude when needing a closed-form expression?

This expression is not hard to derive, but it is a lot easier to just look it up and more likely to be correct than one derived on the spot[^on the spot].

[^on the spot]: On the spot, or Upon the spot, immediately; before moving; without changing place; as, he made his decision on the spot.

Keep in mind that not everything you discover on the Web (or even in textbooks) is correct. When your code incorporates a formula that you have looked up, make sure that:

  • You have taken the formula from a reputable source. We looked at multiple reputable sources, all of which contained equivalent formulas.
  • You fully understand the meaning of all the variables in the formula.
  • You test your implementation against examples taken from reputable sources. After implementing this function, we tested it by comparing our results to the results supplied by a calculator available on the Web.

How concrete subclasses inherit attributes from abstract superclass?

No need to repeat the same specification of superclass in __init__ of subclass? I think it is better to mention again and to point out what each argument is like.

class Fixed (Mortgage):
    """ A fixed-rate mortgage with no points. """
    def __init__(self, loan, r, months):
        """ No need to repeat the same specification of superclass? """
        Mortgage.__init__(self, loan, r, months)
        self.legend = 'Fixed, ' + str (round (r*100, 2)) + '%'

class FixedWithPts (Mortgage):
    """ A fixed-rate mortgage with points. """
    def __init__(self, loan, r, months, pts):
        :param loan: floats, size of mortgage
        :param r: floats without percentage symbol, annual rate
        :param months: int, total duration
        :param pts: float with percentage symbol,
            payment points of the initial loan
        :return: a new instance of FixedWithPts of type Mortgage
        Mortgage.__init__(self, loan, r, months)
        self.pts = pts # points as service fee
        self.paid = [loan*(pts/100)] # Override Mortgage's init 0.0. /
            # Note that this part of payment is not used to reduce the /
            # outstanding of loan balance.
        self.legend = 'Fixed, ' + str (round (r*100, 2)) + '%, '\
                      + str (pts) + ' points'

class TwoRate (Mortgage):
    """ A mortgage with an initial teaser rate followed by a higher rate for the duration. """
    def __init__(self, loan, r, months, teaserRate, teaserMonths):
        """ Initiate with teaser rate and total months, and calculate monthly payment to the end
        :param loan: float, size of mortgage
        :param r: floats without percentage symbol, annual rate
        :param months: int, total duration
        :param teaserRate: float without percentage symbol,
            annual teaser rate in the teaser months
        :param teaserMonths: int, teaser duration
        :return an instance of TwoRate under super class of Mortgage
        Mortgage.__init__(self, loan, teaserRate, months) 
        self.teaserMonths = teaserMonths
        self.teaserRate = teaserRate
        self.nextRate = r/12
        self.legend = str (teaserRate*100)\
                     + '% for ' + str (self.teaserMonths)\
                     + ' months, then ' + str (round (r*100, 2)) + '%'
    def makePayment (self):
        When time is up, replace teaser rate with next rate, and
        calculate monthly payment again with new loan, new rate and
        new months.
        if len (self.paid) == self.teaserMonths + 1:
           self.rate = self.nextRate
           self.payment = findPayment (self.outstanding [-1],
                                   self.months - self.teaserMonths)
        Mortgage.makePayment (self) # Call the superclass method with instance itself

The above three mortgage is clear with each parameters.

def compareMortgages (amt, years, fixedRate, pts, ptsRate,
                     varRate1, varRate2, varMonths):
    Print out three kinds of mortgages with their total payments
    :param amt: int, amount of loan size
    :param years: int, years of payment duration
    :param fixedRate: float without percent symbol, fixed annual rate
    :param pts: float with percent symbol, payment points of the initial loan
    :param ptsRate: float without percent symbol, fixed annual rate with
     points payment
    :param varRate1: float without percentage symbol, annual teaser rate in
     the teaser months
    :param varRate2: floats without percentage symbol, annual rate
    :param varMonths: int, months of teaser duration
    :return: print out information of each kind of mortgage
    totMonths = years*12
    fixed = Fixed (amt, fixedRate, totMonths)
    fixedwithpts = FixedWithPts (amt, ptsRate, totMonths, pts)
    twoRate = TwoRate (amt, varRate2, totMonths, varRate1, varMonths)
    morts = [fixed, fixedwithpts, twoRate]
    for month in range (totMonths):
        for mort in morts:
            mort.makePayment ()
    for mort in morts:
        print (mort)
        print (' Total payments = $' + str (int (mort.getTotalPaid ())))

compareMortgages (amt=200000, years=30, fixedRate=0.07,
                 pts = 3.25, ptsRate=0.05, varRate1=0.045,
                 varRate2=0.095, varMonths=48)
## Fixed, 7.0%
##  Total payments = $479017
## Fixed, 5.0%, 3.25 points
##  Total payments = $393011
## 4.5% for 48 months, then 9.5%
##  Total payments = $551444

With parameters description, one can read the code only.


  1. convention: General agreement or concurrence; arbitrary custom; usage; conventionality.

  2. representation: That which represents. Specifically: A description or statement; as, the representation of an historian, of a witness, or an advocate.

  3. invariant: n. (Math.) An invariable quantity; specifically, a function of the coefficients of one or more forms, which remains unaltered, when these undergo suitable linear transformations. - J. J. Sylvester.

  4. a big deal: informal [usually with negative] a thing considered important: they don’t make a big deal out of minor irritations. • an important person: Sam Kinison became a big deal. • (big deal) used to express one’s contempt for something regarded as impressive or important by another person: “I’ll give you an allowance,” he said. “Big deal,” she thought.

  5. encompass: To circumscribe or go round so as to surround closely; to encircle; to inclose; to environ; as, a ring encompasses the finger; an army encompasses a city; a voyage encompassing the world. - Shak. A question may be encompassed with difficulty. - C. J. Smith.

  6. compose: To construct by mental labor; to design and execute, or put together, in a manner involving the adaptation of forms of expression to ideas, or to the laws of harmony or proportion; as, to compose a sentence, a sermon, a symphony, or a picture.

  7. instance: A token; a sign; a symptom or indication. Syn. - EXAMPLE, INSTANCE. The discrimination to be made between these two words relates to cases in which we give “instances” or “examples” of things done. An instance denotes the single case then “standing” before us; if there be others like it, the word does not express this fact. On the contrary, an example is one of an entire class of like things, and should be a true representative or sample of that class. Hence, an example proves a rule or regular course of things; an instance simply points out what may be true only in the case presented. A man’s life may be filled up with examples of the self-command and kindness which marked his character, and may present only a solitary instance of haste or severity. Hence, the word “example” should never be used to describe what stands singly and alone. We do, however, sometimes apply the word instance to what is really an example, because we are not thinking of the latter under this aspect, but solely as a case which “stands before us.” See PRECEDENT: Something done or said that may serve as an example to authorize a subsequent act of the same kind; an authoritative example. Examples for cases can but direct as precedents only. - Hooker.

  8. hierarchy: A body of officials disposed organically in ranks and orders each subordinate to the one above it; a body of ecclesiastical rulers.

  9. inherit:to receive as a right or title descendible by law from an ancestor at his decease.

  10. mortgage: It was called a mortgage (or dead pledge) because, whatever profit it might yield, it did not thereby redeem itself, but became lost or dead to the mortgager upon breach of the condition. But in equity a right of redemption is an inseparable incident of a mortgage until the mortgager is debarred by his own laches, or by judicial decree. - Cowell. Kent. 之所以称其为抵押(或无抵押),是因为无论它能产生什么利润,它都不会因此赎回自己,而是在违反条件时对抵押人造成损失或死亡。 但是,衡平法上来说,赎回权是抵押的不可分割的事件,直到抵押人被自己的抵押或司法令禁止为止。 科威尔 肯特

  11. The London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) is probably the most commonly used index.