John | 曲

Reflection in Transition


曲政 / 2019-09-11

今天是贝贝报告给你的第 195 天
2019-09-11 星期三


我本科用的是影印 Norton 的《机械原理》,当时并没通读,也无所谓沉没成本。

今天读 Uicker Pennock 和 Shigley 的 Theory of Machines and Mechanisms 这本书。

这本书的 Preface 中,明确表达了建立共同用语集的意义所在。

Much of the new knowledge in the theory of machines and mechanisms currently exists in a large variety of technical journals and manuscripts, each couched in its own singular language and nomenclature and each requiring additional background for clear comprehension. It is possible that the individual published contributions could be used to strengthen engineering courses if the necessary foundation was provided and a common notation and nomenclature was established. These new developments could then be integrated into existing courses to provide a logical, modern, and comprehensive whole. The purpose of this book is to provide the background that will allow such an integration.

