John | 曲

Reflection in Transition


曲政 / 2019-05-01

今天是贝贝报告给你的第 62 天
2019-05-01 WED








If this project failed finally, what were the reasons?

There are many reasons to end this project, such as I won a lottery, or I found nobody needs it, or Tetra Pak sued me for trying to reverse-engineer their mechanism. That's just joking. Seriously speaking, I see three significant risks that cause this project to fail.

First, it is too hard for my ability to solve this problem technically because I lack the knowledge of mathematics and programming.

Second, it is too long a time for my family to let me swimming on this problem without any incomes. I need to sell my time for other profitable projects.

Third, it is too dull for my spirit to focus on this issue, and I turn to other impressive technology and try to fetch other chances, leaving this problem with an open ending.

Among those three significant risks, the third one has the highest possibility.